
Technology is a collection of knowledge, skills, and techniques that enable us to solve problems. It includes what we know how to do with materials, tools, and machinery. It involves the design, production, and use of things such as computers, cars, telephones, and TV sets. Humans have used technology since prehistoric times but it has become much more important since the Industrial Revolution.
what is technology in 2023?

Technology is a collection of knowledge, skills, and techniques that enable us to solve problems

Technology is a collection of knowledge, skills, and techniques that enable us to solve problems. It can be used for many purposes such as transportation, communication, and entertainment. Technology has been around since early humans started to use tools such as rocks or sticks to make other tools. Over time, technology has evolved as we have invented new ways of using it for our own benefit or convenience (e.g., cars).

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It includes what we know how to do with materials, tools, and machinery

Technology is a broad term that encompasses what we know how to do with materials, tools and machinery. It's an umbrella term that covers everything from the most basic technologies such as fire and water to more advanced technologies like airplanes or include the design and production.

Read more: Technology related informations

use of things....

  • computer
  • cars
  • TV sets
  • Telephones
It is the application of knowledge in service of human needs.

Technology is important for everyday life

Technology is important for everyday life. It helps us to do things in new ways, and it makes our lives easier. For example, you can use technology to play games on your computer or phone, or listen to music from the Internet. You can also use technology to watch movies or TV shows on your computer or phone.

Read more: For technology updates


Technology is the basis of our modern world. It has evolved over time and continues to change rapidly. Technology can enable us to do things that were never possible before, but it also has many negative effects on our daily lives